Arrowhead 135 2023
This past Monday, 1/30/23, I toed the line for my 11th time at the Arrowhead
135. It would become my 10th finish and first win. I've come in 5th, 4th,
Ireland, 2018
Nice month traveling the Island. Music, views, food, drink and the company
of Lynn for a month straight, just us.
DIL Helen's Aunt Kitty. She's a Nun that ...
The 2020 Postcard Post
Hello All -
So we're back on again for 2020! Pretty much the same details as always...
What: Ragnarok 105
When: April 18, 2020 (hoping for no blizzards thi...
2019 Results
*100 Miles*
1 Luke Russell Open Men 5:22
2 Josh Molnar Open Men 5:26
3 Zach Dolinaj Open Men 5:44
3 Dennis Dresler Open Men 5:49
4 Zach Gusa Open Men 5...
Counting Down
This is not a Western Screech Owl. As we count down anxiously to DerOwl
Hannah's scheduled (ha!) 2019 ETA, which should be around March 18 or 19,
it actual...
You should visit NW Arkansas-
Bentonville/ Fayetteville, and places in between... 9hr drive to fantastic
mountain biking.
Ledges Trail, wildflowers blooming, bring spare tubes and tire...
Dirt Bag 2017 is On!
"Nobody goes home hungry"
Ride or race on the fast gravel on a 30, 60 or 80 mile loop starting and
ending at the park outside of Clearwater.
Dirt Bag '1...
How to Add Handles to Your Canoe or Kayak
A canoe is tough to carry no matter what but they are especially bad if
there's no good way to hang onto it. I have an old aluminum canoe and after
The Triple D Winter Race is a winter endurance trail event that traverses
Dubuque County, Iowa in the dead of winter by bike, foot, or cross country
2015 Tour Divide - Days 24 to the end
I woke up at sunrise on Sunday morning. I was glad to see that it hadn't
rained any more, and the sun was out. I felt cautiously optimistic after
taking st...
Selle Anatomica Titanico X Review
Every now and again, I will fire up this site of mine for something pretty
special. A race review, a special bike component or maybe something totally
Colesburg 40 2013 (20th Annual!!!!)
So this is the 20th Annual Colesburg 40 (will be Traci and my last year
being race director, new director will be TBD). Please go here for all the
updated ...
Christina Anthony and the Gold Rush
Here's a nice update from Christina Anthony on the Gold Rush Gravel
Grinder. Coincidentally, this race takes place in some of my former
stomping grounds as...
Eki Chronicles NEW and IMPROVED!
Hey guys, the Eki Chronicles just got a major shot of adrenaline. My blog
has now moved. You can check me out here:
If you have my b...
making the most of it
productive days tuesday and wednesday hunting morels and 45 minutes of
trout fishing this morning contributed to a tasty lunch and is taking the
sting out ...
Ragnarok and some gear stuff
Last week I spent part of an afternoon seam sealing and generally playing
around with the tarp that I'll be using on the Divide. Overall I'm really
another std defeated...
short version of the story...
as i've come to realize is going to be expected there were some last minute
cancellations of people i was expecting and hoping...
This blog is dead. it doesn't represent me, and i dont want to type on it
anymore. something new will emerge, let's just say it will be like the
More tidbits
Water crossing mile 75ish. I know, cold water, but it is rideable and
easily walkable. It isn't any worse than if it rained...which it might.
Actually a li...
Falling Behind
I realize I have been falling behind with blogging. I guess I really am not
that into it anymore. Who knows, maybe things will change and I will start
Makin' Moves! Week 5
This past week has been a busy and exciting one. I studied way more than I
would like to admit, took three midterms, and worked out longer and harder
than ...
Hey Drew: What size tires are you gonna run for the Trans-Wisconsin? email me...